On the Well-Beings of Women

June 24, 2022:

1. Ethical Meat is an intersectional movement that strives for whole planet ecosystem consciousness among the human species.
2. Whole planet ecosystem consciousness requires autonomy of body and mind in human communities, because humans do not extend well-being to other species if humans do not have it themselves. History repeats this story in dizzying patterns.
3. Well-being for humans who can bear children is paramount, because these humans bring vital wisdom to the human collective consciousness that informs our interaction with more-than-human animals and the earth: this wisdom is that of the birth/death interface and natural cycles of collapse and repair. Additionally, child-bearing humans make up the global majority of those stewarding livestock and seeds.
4. Maintaining wisdom of the birth/death interface and the natural cycles of collapse and repair has been under threat for centuries and has already undergone significant erasure because of the settler-colonial paradigm.
5. Any expansion of the threat to well-being is a further threat to this wisdom, knowing, and stewardship, and simultaneously a threat to whole planet ecosystem consciousness and the pursuit of sustainable, joyful, connective, liberated, and nourished culture.
6. The denial of fundamental rights to child bearing humans is therefore a continuation and expansion of the climate crisis, is linked to the crisis of disenfranchisement and racism, and is a threat to all human consciousness that could deliver (read:birth) us from the Anthropocene.
7. Therefore the “pro-life” stance is a death warrant for our species, and many other species on this planet.
All fights for social and environmental justice are tied together. I voice support to those alongside me and commit value to their lanes of expertise. I also double down in my own lane.
I urge you to do the same. Simply posting on social media is not and has never been creating liberation. It IS making good or ugly noise in the consciousness. But what we do offline and in community is what will free us. Let us all get in a true lane and do liberation. If you do not have a lane, find one.

Meredith Leigh