A great dish, easily made completely gluten free. Just replace the AP flour with chickpea flour. 

4-5 summer squash or zucchini, washed, and ends trimmed
3-4 T. fennel radish pistou (see recipe above)
3 T. butter
3 T. all purpose flour
½ C. white wine or vegetable broth, or a mix of both
¼ lb. beef or pork bacon, homemade if possible, diced
2-3 spring onions, sliced as thinly as possible
salt and pepper
½ lemon

Using a mandolin, slice the squash and zucchini into ¼ inch ribbons, then turn each ribbon on its side, and create ¼” or thinner “noodles.” Set aside while you fry the bacon and make the sauce.

Place the bacon and onion into a small frying pan and crisp everything well.

In a saucepan, melt the butter. Whisk in the flour until you’ve made a smooth, bubbly young roux. Stir this around for a moment, but don’t let it brown. Add the wine or wine/broth mixture, whisking constantly. If clumps form, add more broth. You’re aiming for a smooth, thin sauce. Salt it, add lemon juice, and the pistou. Keep the sauce warm while you blanch the noodles.

Bring a large pot of water to boil, and salt it. When it boils, dump all the squash noodles in, and blanch them for 30 seconds to 1 minute. Strain.

In a serving bowl, combine the noodles and sauce. Combine with two spoons until the noodles are coated. Top with the bacon and onion, and some finely grated parmesan or similar cheese.